Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Opinion as a Nobody

It seems that in order for a woman to get a column in a Salt Lake paper, it helps to have a famous male relative. I won't name names, but think about it. I could be wrong, but. . .evidence supports my theory. As I regularly have something to say, I've hoped to get a column. I do actually have a well-known male relative, but I have been holding out, thinking that the two things can be mutually exclusive. Call me an idealist.

But the realist in me says to start a blog. My male relatives, while thoroughly decent, likeable guys, are not sports heroes and such. I really like reading most of the published columnists, though one, in particular, seems not to have much to say other than to brag about her Famous Male Relative. I've published a few things, but have fallen short of my goal. I'm not a doctor or other kind of certified specialist. No one is officially seeking me out for my expertise. I am just a woman with some thoughts of her own and a frequently-tickled funny bone. I feel good about my qualifications, but, basically, I'm a nobody. And that suits me fine.

If the thoughts and opinions of someone who is a nobody suit you fine, too, read on.


  1. I like it, I'm excited to read more!

  2. I like the articles, they are enjoyable to read. I like what I am reading here better than what I read in the newspaper.
