Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi, Dad, Where's Mom?

I want to see if any of you can help me figure something out.

Lately, I have been having several dreams I can remember, as opposed to dreams I cannot remember--which I'm merely taking on faith from what I learned in high school health class that I am having, since I can't remember them.


In all these dreams, I dream that I am at "home," sleeping, getting ready for work, hanging out, or whatever, but in all these dreams that I am at home, I am actually in my parents' home, where I was raised. That's not actually my question, as I have always dreamed that I am in that home when I dream that I am home. I never dream about my current house, and I only dreamed about the previous house, where I lived for 15 years, when I dreamed about my ex.

My question is, how come in all these dreams, my dad is at home, sleeping in his bedroom, or just standing in the kitchen, or something like that, but my mom never is? Don't get me wrong--I love my dad, but I was much closer to my mom, and, well, I really wouldn't mind dreaming about her, too. It used to be that she figured in a lot of my dreams as just someone who was in the room or place with me. Not really saying anything, just there. Which I took to mean she is still a presence in my life, or that she is a core part of me. Something like that.

But, lately, I dream that I am in their house (which we sold after their deaths several years ago), but she is not in the house, although my dad is. He's not usually a part of the central action, but he is there. (Which is actually symbolic of his role in my life--he was always there for everything but not often putting himself forward to be the center of attention.) And I find myself thinking something like, "Oh, yeah, Mom's work schedule is completely off from mine"--which makes no sense when it comes to Mom but actually applies in real life to my husband or my grown son.

Oh, and one other detail. Typing the title of this post made me cringe, because it's a lot like the last thing I ever said to my dad. I actually asked him how Mom was doing while his heart was winding up to give him the coronary of his life, so to speak. Just as we hung up, I thought to ask, "And how are you, Dad?" but it was too late. And then it was really too late.

Any thoughts? If you have any guesses at all, please be brave. My sister who was good at helping me with my dreams is no longer available, either.


  1. That is very interesting. I don't know what it could mean, but I do have a question. In your dream are you conscious of the fact that your mom isn't there or is it only after you wake up that you realize she wasn't there?

  2. Sometimes one way, sometimes the other.

  3. I don't really think I'm that great at understanding dreams though I do have a lot of interesting/weird dreams myself (as we've discussed). I'm wondering if it is your subconscious trying to sort out why your mother isn't around in the present and the reason it's giving you is that she has other "work" to do...maybe your dad is there letting you be aware that someone is there for you, even if your mother isn't at the time, though it may not seem like a dominant prescence. I don't know. What do you think?

  4. Maybe your dad misses you and as Heather said, is letting you know he's always there for you. Not that your mom doesn't miss you. Perhaps she and Susan and Linda are busy working on things together and your dad is just checking in to see how you are doing. Plus maybe your subconscious just really misses your dad right now. I always love dreams like that that allow me to remember a loved one and know they're there. I also know to pay attention to dreams i wake up from remembering. Especially if they linger with me and feel significant. I still puzzle over many of my own but know there was a message for me somewhere in it. The Lord has many ways of speaking to us and I find dreams are a particularly strong one for me. Interpretation of which I'm not necessarily good at or maybe I need to get better at trusting my interpretations.

  5. Oh, I had another thought too. Perhaps being in your parents home in your dreams is your mom's way of being there too. The house symbolizes her presence and her love for you. You're home in your dreams and therefore you're home with her even though you aren't actually able to talk to her or see her, she is there. Much like our Father in Heaven. We can't see Him or speak face to face with Him but we know He is there and in His home we are surrounded by His love. Your dad being there is a way to let you know he is there and is always a fixture in that home and therefore always a part of that warmth and love. Plus, like I said, he must miss you. And another thought to tie in is your dad's physical manifestation is much like Christ. He loves us and even though we can't see the Father there are times when we might see the Son, in a dream or something, or in a painting or feel His presence really close enough that we might feel like we can ask Him where Father is and he could answer face to face. Plus we know He is always there for us and is a part of the Father's love for us. So your mother's home could represent our Father's love for you and you are surrounded by it and your dad can represent Christ who is and always will be there for you. We know Christ taught through parables and there are many levels of interpretation for each one. I think dreams must be parables as well suited to each individual's needs and circumstances. How's that for an interpretation? I'd gotten up after the last comment I left and it was sticking with me until I sat back down to write again. ;)

  6. thanks, everyone, for your thoughtful comments! i'll be processing as i go along and see what happens next!
